Create stunning LinkedIn cover images to showcase your AWS certifications. Turn your achievements into shareable highlights in seconds.
Select a pre-designed template to get started. Our diverse collection includes templates for all AWS certifications, ensuring your achievements stand out.
Drag and drop your AWS badges onto the template.
Save your creation in your preferred format. Ready to upload it as your cover image to LinkedIn or share it with your network.
Our tool simplifies the entire design process. Jump right in!
Create your cover in just a few clicks and share it instantly.
Always get beautiful results in any size or format you need.
Go ahead and unleash your creativity without spending a dime.
Currently, we only support downloading in JPEG image format.
The resolution of the exported image is 4752×1188 pixels.
You can showcase up to 12 AWS supported badges because they are part of the certification exam program. These include:
You can download your designs then upload them to LinkedIn as a cover image.
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